Home Malawi Politics “Arrest me million times but I won’t join MCP”- dares Kalindo

“Arrest me million times but I won’t join MCP”- dares Kalindo

Kalindo at the court

By Vincent Gunde

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Political activist Bon Elias Kalindo told the Malawi Police Service (MPS) at Area 30 that even if they can arrest him a million times, he can not join President Lazarus Chakwera’s Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

“Forget about me joining the MCP just like what other activists have done under the influence of money to silence them,” dares Kalindo.

The Political activist Kalindo has therefore challenged MCP and police at Area 30 that he will not stop speaking for the poor Malawians that ,”They are in pain and suffering and are regretting to have voted for President Chakwera and his MCP in the June, 2020 court sanctioned elections”.

He said the coming of opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) at the court to give solidarity with him sent a message of goodwill is the clear message that “Malawians are tired with the country’s leadership and are for change of leadership advising those that are against opposition MPs joining him not to waste time mentioning his name”.

Speaking through an audio clip circulating in various social media platforms, Kalindo disclosed that officers at Area 30, State House and Capital hill are not sleeping devising ways of silencing Kalindo through many arrests and charge him of treason.

Kalindo claimed further that he has been reliably informed by officers of Area 30 and State House that there was a meeting with the agenda of arresting and charge him with treason advising them to go ahead saying he is not afraid and this will not make him stop speaking against the MCP led Tonse Alliance government.

“Come and arrest me for treason charges, I am ready for you, I know all of your plans, those who are dining with you are not happy with your plans,” said Kalindo.

He has appealed to the donor community and the international community not to listen to the country’s calls to cancel its debts which have reached MK13 trillion arguing that the same government has written off MK6.8 billion loans to its handclappers.

The activist also alleged that the MK6.8 billion was shared amongst Ministers and senior government officials and today, they want to hide through writing off the loans saying this is speaking for itself that the country is being run by crooks and mafias.

On a sad note, Kalindo has advised police officers who are being transferred for not arresting him claiming that others have gone to Chikwawa demoted of their positions, not to worry, God is good all the time, time will come for them to be rewarded for doing justice in the Malawi Police Service (MPs).