Home Opinion Buhari Will Succeed Buhari By Bayo Oluwasanmi

Buhari Will Succeed Buhari By Bayo Oluwasanmi

“My fellow Nigerians:
It will come as no surprise to you that for me – Buhari, the biggest, most important issue in next year’s election is Buhari.

“APC primary will hold between June 6 and June 8. In a presidential system of government, voting in the primary is primary to our democracy. Primaries are how we choose who runs for president. The person who earns the most votes and support from all the primaries goes on to become the party’s nominee in the general election.

“The recently concluded PDP primary was marred by voter fraud, electoral fraud or vote rigging which are intentional and illegal actions aimed at changing or influencing or forcing the results of an election by either depressing or increasing the vote share for a particular candidate. The following types of electoral fraud took place during the PDP primary:

  1. “Intimidation: Delegates were pressured to vote for a particular candidate. The pressure took the form of violence or the threat of violence to force the delegates to vote for a particular candidate or step down for a particular candidate.”
  2. “Vote Buying: Vote buying was rife during PDP primary. For example, one candidate paid as much as $35,000 to each of the delegates to win the primary.”

  3. “Ballot Stuffing: Delegates stuffed ballot papers denoting a particular candidate into ballot box in large quantities to swing the result.”

  4. “Artificial Results: This is prevalent in our country known for high-level corruption. In this regard, INEC officials announced the result for a particular candidate regardless of what the electorate actually voted for.”

“Fellow Nigerians, for the past seven years as your president, you have entrusted our country into my care because of my integrity, honesty, humility, kindness, compassion, dedication, patriotism, and my deep sense of fairness and justice to pilot the ship of our country. Your love, respect, approval, and overwhelming support for my job performance convinced me that I have surpassed your expectations in making our country the safest, the most progressive, peaceful, and prosperous country on the African continent.”

“As I am nearing the end of my second term in office, and as the saying goes “no success without a successor,” my legacy hangs in who succeeds me. There’s none among our party’s aspirants that comes close to me in vision, intelligence, brilliance, dedication, determination, experience, and other leadership attributes. And to distance and distinguish our great party from the directionless and fraudulent PDP, with all its voter frauds, in consultation with my Fulani cabals, we have decided that I should run for a third term so I can succeed myself. I am happy to inform you that all other aspirants have unanimously and willingly stepped down for me.  To this end, I have relocated both my presidency and INEC temporarily to Spain for the purpose of having a free and fair primary. The First Lady has graciously agreed to relocate from Dubai for the entire duration of the primary exercise.”

“As soon as the primary ends, I would be back in Aso Rock to strategize on my campaign. INEC will also move back to Abuja. Of course, the First Lady will transit to Dubai her adopted home since I came into office. I thank you all for the opportunity given me to serve you for the past seven years. I am also grateful for picking me as my successor. We’re in this together. Together we can move Nigeria into the 21st Century. And together we can build a country where tribe and tongues differ, but we’ll stand and stay together stronger in unity.”

Thank you. 
And God bless the Arewa Republic!

[email protected]

Source saharareporters