Home Malawi Chakwera Tonse Govt suspends national ID expiry dates

Chakwera Tonse Govt suspends national ID expiry dates

Malawi National RegistrationSample ID
Malawi National RegistrationSample ID

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-President Lazarus Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance government on Friday, July 28, 2023, suspended the expiry dates on National Identity Cards IDs until September 2026.

Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale Ng’oma made the announcement in Parliament on Friday during the presentation of a statement on the situation of National IDs.

Ng’oma has admitted that National IDs’ renewal has proven to be a burden to the citizens in the country, hence the decision to suspend the expiry dates.

Ng’oma has also told Parliament that President Lazarus Chakwera has made two directions to National Registration Bureau; first to waive MK2,500 fees for lost or damaged IDs until 5th January 2026 and that Police should not incur fees on lost IDs report issuance.

Before the presentation of the statement, some members expressed concern over delays in National IDs issuance and services in the country.

Member of Parliament (MP) for Thyolo Central Ben Phiri advised the government to deal with the matter while arguing that could have an impact on the forthcoming electoral process in preparation for the 2025 general elections.

The move has excited many Malawians of having national IDs without expiring dates.