Home Malawi Chakwera’s appeasement policy: Appoints cashgate suspect Kate Kamwangala as ESCOM board director

Chakwera’s appeasement policy: Appoints cashgate suspect Kate Kamwangala as ESCOM board director

Brown Mpinganjira
Brown Mpinganjira remains DPP spokesperson
Mwenefumbo appointed after dumping UTM

……..Brown Mpinganjira, Frank Mwenefumbo posted at Southern Region Water Board and Northen Region Water Board Chairpersons respectively…….

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-President Lazarus Chakwera continues to set a bad record of his type of leadership; nepotism, appeasement in appointing individuals in public offices.

This is testified in this week appointments of questionable characters into parastatal board.

Surprisingly, Chakwera has oppointed Cashgate suspect Kate Kamwangala into ESCOM Board as a director.

Kamwangala appointment comes amid poor performance of the utility board.

Not only that Chakwera has also rewarded Brown Mpinganjira for joining Malawi Congress Party (MCP), appointed as Board Chair of Southern Region Water Board.

Mpinganjira is former Peoples Party (PP) Vice President for the South.

The development comes barely months after Mpinganira dumped the opposition Democratic progressive Party (DPP) where he was serving as spokesperson and joined the MCP.

Many people on the social media have described the appointment as a reward to Mpinganjira who promised to woe people in the south and vote for Chakwera in the forthcoming 2025 Presidential polls.

Mpinganjira once contested as President under NDA Party.

He once served as Minister under the reign Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda, founder of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

Chakwera has went further poaching Frank Mwenefumbo who resigned from UTM as Publicity Secretary last month.

Mwenefumbo is now board chairperson for Northern Region Water Board.

UTM and MCP are currently not working together as per Tonse Alliance agreement.