Home Malawi “Disband ACB for new one with Malawians’ interest”-Kalindo.

“Disband ACB for new one with Malawians’ interest”-Kalindo.

Chakwera ends Martha Chizuma contract

By Vincent Gunde

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Political activist Elias Kalindo aka Winiko is calling for the disbandment of the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB]) claiming that the bureau is serving President Lazarus Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance government and Malawi Congress Party (MCP) cadres not Malawians.

Kalindo observes that the bureau’s mandate is to arrest and prosecute corruption suspects claiming that those that have been stealing, looting of public resources while many are left scot-free.

He said “If the ACB is seen functioning is the arrest and prosecuting of those found in possession of pangolins and chickens, charcoal sellers and small fishes in government while big fishes are left to swim and are continuing thieving in government under the protection of immunity”

Speaking through an audio clip circulating in various social media platforms, Kalindo added ACB Director General Martha Chizuma must leave the bureau claiming that she is receiving millions of Kwachas out of protecting MCP thieves in government.

Kalindo said “For the first time in the history of Malawi the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) has registered a loss of MK187 billion, the Ministry of Agriculture has changed to cash flow describing the MCP led Tonse Alliance as a government of shame while the ACB is watching on all of this”.

He said until the time the Malawi Parliament took the mantle of appointing ACB Directors, the ACB will no longer be in the armpits of a ruling government.

“But as it is today, the ACB Director is receiving orders from politicians in government rendering the Bureaus mandate as useless. Malawi as a country has lost direction saying what the MCP led Tonse Alliance government knows better is stealing the peoples’ taxes for personal gains claiming that in a country of thieves, one should expect no development with the currency losing power.

“ACB is not independent, it is a government institution prosecuting only those that are in opposition side while those in government are angels,’’ said Kalindo.

Kalindo therefore dared Chakwera Tonse Tonse Alliance government not to waste taxpayer’s money building fences and building golf courts for soldiers advising it to provide good salaries, uniform, gumboots and other needs for them to thank government.

“I don’t think a wise person would wake-up from bed to vote for President Chakwera to bounce back into government claiming that those who can do so, are thieves that have benefited more from Chakwera’s corruption governance style of leadership,” dares Kalindo.

Chizuma contract at ACB is coming to an end in a few months.