Home Malawi Kalindo advises Malawians ‘’NO’’ to Chakwera’ second term bid

Kalindo advises Malawians ‘’NO’’ to Chakwera’ second term bid

Chakwera for good road projects

By Vincent Gunde

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Political activist Bon Elias Kalindo aka Winiko is advising Malawians not to give Reverend Lazarus Chakwera a second term in office as President arguing that the Tonse alliance government has failed to meet the citizenry’s expectations.

Kalindo said Chakwera and his deputy Saulos Chilima lost Malawians’ trust saying the best way was for the duo to resign arguing that they have no chance to win the confidence of the people.

Speaking through an audio clip circulating in various social media platforms, Kalindo has appealed to all activists within and outside Malawi to work together as one to liberate the country from the hands of Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance government and Malawi Congress Party (MCP) thieves, looters, corrupt, mafias and criminals in government.

He, therefore, warned activists receiving money from politicians to discredit fellow activists to stop this and think of the next generation to come.

“He has failed to run the country and those who will be voting for him, their heads are not working well,’’ said Kalindo.

Chakwera is currently in China, a fifth trip this year amid a scarcity of forex.