Home Malawi Human Rights Kalindo, others up with Malawi Shutdown demos on Chakwera’s head, March 20

Kalindo, others up with Malawi Shutdown demos on Chakwera’s head, March 20

Kalindo for shut down demos

By Vincent Gunde

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Concerned Citizens have set March 20, 2023 for Malawi Shutdown demonstrations aiming at forcing President Lazarus Chakwera to resign over gross of corruption in current Tonse Alliance government.

The demos also target Attorney General (AG) Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda and Secretary to The President and Cabinet (SPC) Colleen Zamba over incompence and being entangled into corruption.

Coincidentally, on this very day South Africa will be on a national shutdown to force their President Cyril Ramaphosa resigns making March 20, 2023 a day to remember in the history of the two countries Malawi and South Africa.

The Concerned citizens in Malawi say petitions and petitions have been written and delivered for the past two and half years with no positive change forcing them to engage an extra gear claiming that President Chakwera has chosen to be rhetoric on the fight against corruption, there is zero action on the ground about the vice.

Addressing the news conference on Thursday, February 9, 2023 in the capital Lilongwe, Bon Elias Kalindo aka Winiko said Malawians have seen that fighting corruption in the country is an uphill task as its being engineered right in the corridors of State House.

Kalindo hinted that Chakwera owes Malawians an explanation as he has assembled all the artillery at his disposal to fight Martha Chizuma amidst all the challenges Malawians are going through in the country.

He observes further that it is very strange that Chakwera is sourcing private lawyers in Chizuma’s case.

Kalindo to lead national shutdown demos

“This will further draining the people’s taxpayers money saying Malawians expected him that by now. Chakwera should have shown commitment to recover stolen Covid-19 money but he has shown no political will”, observes Kalindo.

The grouping therefore reminded the donor community that as Malawians they are waiting for donor aid freeze to Government and channel the aid to Non- Governmental Organizations [NGOs] such as Care Malawi, Action Aid, CADECOM, and others.

The concerned citizens also urged the donor community to impose international travel ban to President Chakwera and his entire Cabinet claiming that in any war against corruption there are casualties and these are never from one side promising to fight with their faces down.

“Malawians gave Chakwera five year mandate to rule the country but three years down the line, the country is sinking in every aspect of life hence requesting him and Vice President to honorably resign to pave way for early elections,’’ reads the statement in part.

The Citizens have since advised Martha Chizuma that this is the time to bite hard at the time that she is enjoying massive support from common man and woman in the village to bring to book anyone deemed to be on the wrong side of the law claiming that Chizuma’s war is there wall too.