Home Malawi Leadership Institute accuses Chakwera’s Tonse Govt of taking Malawians for granted

Leadership Institute accuses Chakwera’s Tonse Govt of taking Malawians for granted

Matola (Energy Minister), Chakwera and motorists spending nights for fuel
Chakwera on foreign trips amid Malawi’s Forex crisis

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Leadership Institute for Transparency and Accountability (LITA) condemns the Chakwera Administration for consistently taking Malawians for granted.

LITA accusations come amid social-economic ills the country is going through under the Chakwera Tonse Alliance government.

In a press statement dated August 21, 2023, available to The Maravi Post, signed by LITA Executive Director Goodwell Logeya observes, “The circus of East Bridge scam, the bogus Bridge Foundation deal, the closure of ADMARC, the stealing of maize from our national silos, endless money laundering and racketeering, lack of rule of law, closure of civic space, unnecessary local and international travels, shortage of fuel, scarcity of forex, cheap propaganda on sensitive issues, blaming previous governments on MCP failures, are among the worst maladies of national paranoia”.

“Since the dawn of multiparty democracy, Malawi has never been in a failed state as this characterized by
high cost of living, high inflation, instability of the currency, high tax regime, public looting, impunity
and stinking corruption, executive arrogance, the Chakwera administration has lost direction”.

Logeya adds, “As clueless and careless as the administration is, we at LITA, appeal to all Malawians, the churches, opposition political parties (if any), the civil society, the diaspora, the business community, the donor community, etc, to hold this government into account. The honeymoon is over.

“We, as patient and law-abiding citizens, have given the Chakwera administration enough time to solve the
problems of the country; but it seems, this administration is the problem in itself”.

He observes further, “The institutions are broken to the core, with no hope of recovery amid bleeding economy. It seems the president is complacent when Malawians are suffocating and dying of hunger.

“He is taming corruption and massaging his boys embroiled in it with kids’ gloves. This is a sine qua non of leadership incompetence”.

Logeya states, “First, the President and his minions must stop unnecessary travels within and outside the country; and be in their office to reflect on the problems and come up with pertinent solutions.

“Second, the President must fire the nonperforming officials at State Houseand in parastatals, incompetent cabinet ministers including the Minister of Agriculture for failing Malawians. The Reserve Bank of Malawi’s (RBM) top leadership must be overhauled. Malawi has technocrats that can turn around the country”.

“Thirdly, the Chakwera administration must stop cheap propaganda of blaming the previous governments for the problems that Malawians are facing today. We voted for him to solve the problems. If he has no clue, he must step down amicably.

“Fourth, the prices of maize in the country must be reduced to the reach of the poorest citizens in the village; and the grain must be made available in all ADMARC depots as soon as possible”, he added.

Logeya says, “Fifth, the President’s party zealots and youth militia must stop intimidating and threatening human rights activists in the country.

“Malawians have the inherent rights to peacefully demonstrate and present their petitions to the concerned authorities without fear of reprisals. The use of coercive and oppressive powers must stop. We say ‘no’ to one-party state”.

He urges, “We, therefore, appeal to the international donor communities and all human rights bodies to be alert and vigilant on Malawi government’s tactics meant to strangle our hardwon democracy by threatening and abducting activists; a deliberate ploy to denigrate freedoms of association, assembly and expression”.

Chakwera is currently outside the country for a 10-day foreign trip amid Malawi’s maize, fuel, and forex crisis.