Home Education Malawi Exams body introduces E-registration, E-payment

Malawi Exams body introduces E-registration, E-payment

Nampota (from right)

By Dorica Mtenje

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) is to embark on E- payment and E- registration fees to students that are expecting to write exams.

The exams in mention are Primary school leaving certificate of Education (PLCE) Junior Certificate of Education (JCE) and Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE).

MANEB,Executive Director Professor Dorothy Nampota told the news conference in the capital Lilongwe on Wednesday, December 22, 2021 that said the board has come up with the idea as they have been receiving complaints of fees not being paid by schools regardless the parents making the payment.

Nampota said the parents and guardians will be the one paying direct to MANEB which will create transparency.

She said the E-payment is expected to role out in 3 district education out of the 6 divisions namely Central west education division,Northern education division and southern education division.

Nampota added that the board officials will be in all schools that are on the trial of the digital registration to help in the process.

She said the registration is expected to start on 4th January to end on 18th February.

Nampota explained that the payment is expected to be done using National Bank, New Building Society (NBS) and Mpamba for a start as they are still working on other means to be part of digital registration.

In his remarks Director of Administration in the ministry of education, James Manyetera said government has provide 417million for maneb tto train teachers for the digital process.

MANEB was using Microsoft excel template since 2012 which was set to all schools and the schools were supposed to fill in names of the candidates which was not effective as they were a lot of errors and had labour intensive.