Home Malawi “Malawi has no servant leaders”- claims Malawi Federalism Institute

“Malawi has no servant leaders”- claims Malawi Federalism Institute

poverty in Malawi

By Vincent Gunde

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-The Malawi Federalism Institute (MFI) claims that the country has never had servant leadership hence 58 years of independence nothing serious to show on development agenda.

The federation observes that since Malawi adopted multiparty democracy in 1994 the country has been moving backward in terms of developments.

Speaking to Voice of America (VoL) the Head of the Malawi Federalism Institute (MFI) Lusungu Simba Mwakhwawa, said the Institute has petition President Chakwera and his government on the constitutional provision for a Referendum to adopt federal system of governance in Malawi.

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Mwakhwawa said Malawi has been exercising unitary system of government for all the six governments that have ruled it but the country is still at the same level of moving many steps backwards as if it has no leaders.

He said the problem of Malawi not to develop is not with the people but the system of governance observing that there is a great need to change to another form of government for Malawians to see the difference between Unitary and federal system of government.

Mwakhwawa said federal government is a good model for Malawi as it provides a foundation for an effective government to ensure better service deliveries, government responding to the needs of the people, inclusive and participatory.

’’Federal system of governance will improve living standards of people and will build a new Malawi wokomela wonse,’’ he said.

According to the petition sent to President Chakwera dated January 3, 2023 the Malawi Federalism Institute observed that Malawians cannot continue to be betrayed by the few greedy politicians (MPs) who represent their own interests.

The petition said the citizens have now started the process of collecting signatures from as many ordinary Malawians home and abroad demanding a Referendum for the adoption of a federal government in Malawi.

It claimed that each government that come into power since 1994; the United Democratic Front (UDF), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), PP, DPP and Tonse Alliance have been famous for corruption which has led to state capture making Malawi sold to the highest bidders.

The petition has sent a strong warning to Government that if the call for adoption of federal system of government is not yet possible.

The move is will take radical approach to ensure that progress is made towards a Referendum observing that Malawians cannot be blamed for putting wrong people in the driving seat.