Home Education Malawi public schools open Jan 3 amid Cholera whip

Malawi public schools open Jan 3 amid Cholera whip

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LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Second term for 2022/2023 Malawi’ academic year opens on Wednesday, January 3, 2023 amid fears of Cholera outbreak.

Ministry of Education on Friday told the nation that the academic calendar remains intact despite fears of Cholera outbreak that has hit hard Malawi communities.

The ministry hinted that any changes regarding to academic calendar will be communicated to the public.

This comes as Ministry of Health disclosed that Cholera has killed 557 with 16,984 cases as of December 30, 2022.

With case fatality rate at 3.28%, a total of 15,586 people have recovered and 841are currently in the treatments centres.