Home Business Malawi’s fuel crisis is “Normal life”

Malawi’s fuel crisis is “Normal life”

Fuel shortages hit had Malawi

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Malawians have now accepted that persistent fuel shortage is part of their lives as no resolution is far reached under President Lazarus Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance government.

Motorists across the country continue to scramble for fuel as the crisis bites hard.

In the last two months, most gas stations have run out of the product and motorists are seen still queuing, with hope that a tanker carrying fuel would arrive.

Some motorists spoken to in different stations described the fuel crisis as ‘normal’ now.

Matola (Energy Minister), Chakwera and motorists spending nights for fuel

“We are used to it now, We have complained but nothing has worked. This is Malawi we wanted in 2020,” said one of the motorists, Haward Mussa in Mangochi.

Patrick Mhango of Mzuzu chips in, “Let’s accept that we can live without fuel. We need to cope with the current situation that the crisis won’t end now”.

“We just need to have motorcycles that consume less fuel while care awaits for a good time. This Chakwera leadership has failed us, big time”, adds Chifundo Muwalo from Zomba.

Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance has been giving false hope in the fuel crisis whose main cause is forex shortage.

The leadership has no money to run state affairs but resources for petty local and trips for President Chakwera since 2020.