Home Development MIM donates food, medical supplies items to Nambuma health center

MIM donates food, medical supplies items to Nambuma health center

Kabwila in red handing over food and medical supplies

By Dorica Mtenje

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-In its quest for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Malawi institute of management (MIM) on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 donated food items and medical equipments worthy MK2 million to Nambuma health center in the rural Lilongwe.

Speaking after handing over the items, Acting MIM Executive Director, Dr.Jessie Kabwila said the donation is thanksgiving to God’s support of the institution operations hence extentention of blessings to Nambuma health centers.

Kabwila therefore called upon the corperate world to join hands in helping rural public facilities that are in dire need of medical supplies for maternal health support.

Receiving the donation, Nurse in charge for Nambuma, Florence Kamkota lauded MIM for the timely support towards the facility’s need.

Kamkota said the health center needs more resources to help 110 pregnant women as many maternal health cases are always referred to Bwaira and Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH).

Apart from donation, MIM also engaged the vommunity into tree planting exercise one way of encouraging them to conserve the environment.