Home Malawi Health Neno is grappling with poor roads despite improved quality health services

Neno is grappling with poor roads despite improved quality health services

Partners in Health (PIH) Malawi

…………As Partners in Health launches 2022-2026 strategic plan to tackle NCDs

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)- Neno district continues to suffer from unbearable poor road networks despite improved quality health services being advanced by Partners in Health (PIH) Malawi, locally known as Abwenzi Pa Za Umoyo

15 years has been a nightmare for PIH to improve health services as Malawi government keeps on sidling the district for years.

Neno-poor road network

PIH Malawi is working with its 1200 community health volunteers to fight, among other diseases, NCDs, Tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS and malnutrition in a coordinated and all encompassing intervention targeting about 150,000 people.

The organization also constructs health infrastructure in the district.

During the organization’s 2022-2026 Strategic launch on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 in the capital Lilongwe, Deputy Health Minister Enoch Phale could not hide his sadness over poor roads in the district.

Phale observes that despite improved health services, communities are having difficulties to access services

He therefore assured Neno communities of improved roads networks saying health ministry will engage transport department come along as soon as possible.

“With this renewed commitment to continue being around, PIH Malawi has shown that it has confidence and trust in the government and its structures. Their strategic plan aligns well with government’s efforts towards achieving universal health coverage and other health targets stipulated in policy and vision documents.

“But we cant have quality health services when communities fail to access them due to poor roads. This defeat the purpose of the health nation agenda. Will engage transport ministry to work on this challenge as soon as possible,” assures Phale.

PIH Malawi Executive Director Dr. Luckson Dullie, said the plan seeks to enhance these interventions, including the organization’s fight against NCDs, which spilled over to all other districts in Malawi.

Dullie added that, through implementation of the strategic plan, PIH Malawi will help the government in strengthening a healthcare system which is people cantered and prioritizes social justice.

“We will endeavour to reach out to everyone, even those in hard to reach areas. We will ensure there is a healthcare system with well trained and sufficient staff that serves people with dignity.

“We will ensure the provision of tools and supplies that will facilitate good healthcare. We will have healthcare platforms for research and building of an army of health workers that are resilient,” Dullie said.

Chief Executive Officer for Global One PIH, Dr Sheila Davis, concurred with Dullie, adding that the strategic plan will enable PIH Malawi to help the government in improving public policy, which will improve health in Neno and beyond.

“More especially in scaling up the fight against NCDs, PIH Malawi will replicate the successes for Neno in all other districts. It is work that will be done in collaboration with government and other relevant stakeholders and structures,” Davis said.

Abwenzi Pa Za Umoyo’s 2022-2026 strategic plan aims at guiding the organization in improving the provision of health services in Neno District and scaling up the fight against Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Malawi.

The PIH Malawi 2022-2026 strategic plan was launched under the theme: “Fulfilling Our Mission Towards Creating a Preferential Option for the Poor in Healthcare”.