Home Opinion Opinion: A Closer Look at The Secretary General Grezelder Jeffrey

Opinion: A Closer Look at The Secretary General Grezelder Jeffrey

By Burnett Munthali


The announcement of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) National Governing Council (NGC) meeting by the Secretary General Grezelder Jeffrey which has led to her firing, followed by a press conference by the DPP leadership, has obliged me to comment and bring this discussion. Different opinions have equally emerged over the same issue. This article attempts to highlight the role of the Secretary General in any political party.


The Secretary General is the lead trustee in the day to day running of the party and provides essential strategic oversight for the party’s committees, domains and task forces.

There’s a difference between secretary General and secretary. If the position occupant doesn’t have or report to any other superior personnel, then he is a Secretary General. If he does have a superior, like an executive Chairman or party President, then he/she is a General Secretary. Both positions are however administrative by design.

In politics, a party secretary is a senior official within a political party with responsibility for the organizational and daily political work. In most parties, the party secretary is second in rank to the party leader (or party chairman).

In other words, the SG is CEO of the party. Similarly, in a company, The CEO is the person who is ultimately accountable for a company’s business decisions, including those in operations, marketing, business development, finance, human resources, etc. The use of the CEO title is not necessarily limited to describing the owner or the head of a company.

Now, basing on the above facts, you will notice that Grezelder Jeffrey is not the overall chief executive of DPP, she’s not the final decision maker to call for an NGC meeting at all. She has Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika above her in authority whom she must consult and take orders from. This hierarchy must be understood and used to work collaboratively.


The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is a political party in Malawi. The party was formed in February 2005 by Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika after a dispute with the United Democratic Front (UDF), which was led by his predecessor, Bakili Muluzi.

The Challenge

The former ruling Democratic Progress Party (DPP) continues to fight and be divided especially by people who are not submissive to their President even when they have no leadership skills and are so arrogant that they think they own the party. Tonse Alliance Government is busy stealing and not performing either.

It is this behaviour that is worrying millions of Malawians throughout the country as we approach 2025 elections.

And, with the wrangles that have stricken the party for three years since it lost government, DPP is proving it is not ready yet for peace. Some people have, unfortunately called it a DPP festival of squabbles. Others argue that with these continued squabbles, DPP is not fit to govern this country again.

My opinion

Specific consequences of insubordination often differ depending on the severity of the offense, party policies and applicable political constitutions. Potential consequences may include verbal or written warnings, suspension, demotion, loss of privileges, termination of membership or legal actions in some more extreme cases.

In politics, a party chair (often party chairperson /-man/-woman or party president) is the presiding officer of a political party. The nature and importance of the position differs from country to country, and also between political parties.


To Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and the DPP, now is the to time to act and fire those members who are destabilizing the party once and for all. Make the arrogant members pack and go because they are not helping the party at all. They are also disappointing members at the grassroots, which is not good at all.

Finally, strategies for peace in the Democratic Progressive Party should focus on supporting effective decision making throughout all stages and processes. Make sure that there is adequate public consultation, accountability and inclusion to bolster prospects for a lasting peace resolution.

The Democratic Progressive Party should consider appointing someone in the near future who has some knowledge of law and constitutional studies in order to understand the duties of General Secretary. Politicians with Police background would be better than picking people with just a Form 2 certificate and cannot even think nor express themselves. Their actions will always be wild while discharging their duties and won’t help the party at all.
