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Opportunist Blantyre Synod’s Billy Gama pushes two terms for Chakwera amid public discontent

Billy Gama

BLANTYRE-(MaraviPost)-Opportunist Blantyre Synod General Secretary Billy Gama is pushing for President Lazarus Chakwera’s second term despite Malawians unhappy with his leadership.

Blantyre Synod SG Gama made the remarks on Saturday, March 26, 2022 when Chakwera attended graduation ceremony for 18 completed their studies on Master of Arts in Theology from University of Blantyre Synod.

Opportunist Billy Gama

Gama said as theologians are proud of President Chakwera because he has proved that reverends with theological backgrounds can become good presidents in a country.

Gama therefore expressed his desire to see President Chakwera ruling beyond the first five-year term.

“After you have done your second term, tell the world that there are also other theologians who can also be entrusted with the same position,” said Gama.

He added that the president can consider recommending one of the church leaders from the Blantyre Synod.

Chakwera however avoided the issue relating to his second term.

But the president talked about building a new Malawi and the role of universities in inculcating values of hard work, integrity and discipline in those who pass through their halls of learning.

Gama’s remarks come weeks after Second Vice President of the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Harry Mkandawire said MCP already endorsed Chakwera as its candidate in the 2025 presidential elections.

Chakwera’s Tonse administration is facing public backlash for promises failures coupled with high cost of living two years in power.