Home Malawi Politics Who is telling Reverend Chakwera lies?

Who is telling Reverend Chakwera lies?

Zamba, Kalumo and Chakwera (from left)

By Vincent Gunde

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera told the nation this week that some of his aids are feeding him lies about real situations on the ground as Malawians are into social-economic ills of the Tonse Alliance administration.

Chakwera observed a funeral service for the departed Dedza Central Constituency Daniel Chiwere

His remarks have attracted mixed reactions and comments from various Malawians including rights activists.

Leader of the Mass Movement for Economic Revolution who is also a member and Secretary General for Malawi First Redson Munlo observes that Chakwera’s admission that people are telling him lies, is a clear indication that Malawi has no President.

Munlo said it is very unfortunate that “Chakwera lives in Malawi, he has four State Lodges and moves daily in town and is failing to detect that Malawians are in pain and suffering claiming that Chakwera gave a lame excuse, he knows everything that people are suffering in Malawi”.

He said it is wrong for Chakwera to blame his party members for telling him lies saying people surrounding him including the Attorney General (AG), Minister of Finance, Minister of Agriculture, and Minister of Health are the ones misleading and telling him lies.

Munlo has therefore Chakwera to fire Chakaka-Nyirenda, Sosten Gwengwe, Khumbize Kandodo-Chiponda, Sam Kawale, MRA Director General John Biziwick, and those MRA officials who addressed a pressed conference justifying import duty on second-hand motor vehicles.

He has also advised AG Nyirenda to resign honorably for failing to advise the government in good faith in legal matters including dubious contracts with the Bridgin Foundation, East Bridge Company of Romania, and seizure of property belonging to Malawians including Norman Chisale.

“One year has gone without charging me and I have a court bail, Bon Kalindo has 10 bail bonds in his pocket, this is justice delayed and justice denied,’’ he said.

Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance administration has been characterized by a high cost of living, inflation, corruption, drugs, fuel, and forex shortages.