Home Opinion Why President Reverend Lazarus Chakwera is being fed with lies?

Why President Reverend Lazarus Chakwera is being fed with lies?

Chakwera in attending United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) amid Malawi forex shortage
Chakwera slamed

By Burnett Munthali

President of Malawi Reverend Lazarus Chakwera has asked members of his party to always tell him nothing but the truth. Chakwera said this at a funeral ceremony of the late MCP parliamentarian of Dedza Central, Daniel Chiwere.

“You MCP leaders should learn taking good care of each other. Let us learn visiting each other: How is Mr so and so? How are the orphaned children?

“Whenever you give me reports make sure you report the truth, not reports that say everything is fine when you know very well that things are not well.” Chakwera said.

I am tempted to comment because this is very interesting. First, I want to begin by saying that these are very wise words coming from the President. Truth must be told to the President and not lies because he is going to act on whatever is being reported to him.

You can imagine the importance of saying the truth and I second the President on this one, so tell Chakwera the truth!

Second, it is only when we tell the President the truth that we are going to solve real issues on the ground but I have this question: When did Reverend Lazarus Chakwera realize that his advisors were not telling him the truth? And what is the president’s message in this statement?

Third, President Reverend Lazarus Chakwera has got the real report from the people of Malawi on the ground in order for him to come out in the open the way he did.

Fourth, it’s possible that President Reverend Lazarus Chakwera is lying and this could be his “feel sorry for me tactic” political approach as we get closer to 2025 campaign.

Fifth, it is also possible that President Reverend Lazarus Chakwera has realized that Malawians are angry with his government for failing to deliver what he promised and so the people of Malawi are not going to vote for him again in 2025.

Chakwera must have realized that his term of office is coming to an end and he has made Malawians poorer than they were before his government came into existence. Isn’t this a realistic reflection?

Sixth, there’s a big message behind this statement and I think the words were carefully chosen by the President before he spoke.

This could be a sign of defeat before he actually gets defeated in 2025 because obviously it is going to be very difficult for the President to convince the citizens of this country why they should give him another vote and he knows it.

Seventh, he might have all the plans to try and win this election but I think the 2025 election is more scary to him now than any other election during his life time.

Remember, he recently said that he was not in full control of government? All these statements mean something big and they have not been spoken by accident or do you think it was a slip off the tongue?

Lastly, President Reverend Lazarus Chakwera might be coming up with another package of lies just to impress innocent voters so that they vote for him and deliver nothing but poverty after ten good years. And it will take ages for the next leader to fix and repair the damage caused in ten years.


Sometimes people tell lies to protect the liar from being punished, or to protect someone else from punishment. The lie might be to avoid being embarrassed, to hide an awkward situation, or to simply have others think better of the person telling the fib. Such lying isn’t admirable, but not hard to understand why it occurs.

However, the main reason people lie is low self-esteem. They want to impress, please, and tell someone what they think they want to hear. For example, insecure teenagers often lie to gain social acceptance. Here, parents should emphasize to their children the consequences of lying.

Finally but most importantly, while some people lie more frequently than others, it is not typically a sign of a mental health condition.

Pathological lying is different. It may be a sign of an underlying mental health condition, such as a personality disorder.