Home Malawi Angolan Parliament pays tribute to late Malawi’s VIP Saulos Chilima

Angolan Parliament pays tribute to late Malawi’s VIP Saulos Chilima

Angolan Parliament pays tribute to late Malawi's VIP Saulos Chilima
Angolan Parliament pays tribute to late Saulos Chilima

By Twink Jones Gadama

LUANDA-(MaraviPost)-The Angolan Parliament gathered in a solemn session to mourn the passing of Malawi’s Vice President, Saulos Klaus Chilima, who tragically died in a plane crash on June 10, 2024.

The legislature came together to pay their respects to the late leader, who was a prominent figure in African politics.

As the news of Chilima’s passing spread, shockwaves resonated throughout the continent.

His contributions to Malawi’s development and his tireless efforts in promoting regional unity and cooperation left an indelible mark on the region.

During the session, lawmakers and dignitaries eulogized Chilima, remembering his unwavering commitment to the people of Malawi and the African continent.

They highlighted his instrumental role in shaping Malawi’s history, from his early days as a politician to his rise as Vice President.

Speaker after speaker shared stories of Chilima’s selflessness, wisdom, and vision.

They praised his ability to bring people together, foster dialogue, and build consensus. His leadership and statesmanship inspired generations, and his legacy will continue to guide the nation.

The parliamentarians observed a moment of silence, paying their respects to the late statesman.

They also approved a motion to send condolences to the Government and people of Malawi, expressing their deepest sympathies during this difficult time.

In attendance were government officials, diplomats, and representatives from various sectors, all united in their grief and appreciation for Chilima’s life and work.

The ceremony served as a testament to the impact of his life, which transcended national borders and political affiliations.

Angolan President, João Lourenço, in his message of condolence, described Chilima as a “true son of Africa” who worked tirelessly for the development and unity of the continent.

He praised Chilima’s commitment to the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and his role in promoting regional integration.

The Angolan Parliament’s gesture is a fitting tribute to a leader who dedicated his life to the service of his country and the continent.

Chilima’s legacy will continue to inspire generations, and his memory will live on as a symbol of hope and unity for the people of Africa.

In the words of one lawmaker, “Chilima may be gone, but his spirit and legacy will continue to inspire us. We will carry his torch forward, ensuring that his vision for a united and prosperous Africa becomes a reality.”

As the session drew to a close, the parliamentarians reaffirmed their commitment to upholding Chilima’s values and principles. They vowed to continue his work, striving for a united, prosperous, and peaceful Africa.



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