Home Malawi Guinea-Bissau President Embaló consoles Chakwera on Chilima death

Guinea-Bissau President Embaló consoles Chakwera on Chilima death

Embaló consoles Chakwera at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-President of Guinea-Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embaló on Friday, June 21, 2024 consoled President Lazarus Chakwera at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe on the tragic loss of Vice-President Saulos Chilima.

Embaló told the news conference after meeting Chakwera that “It was very unfortunate that the country lost a dedicated person who helped the government in different aspects.

“As people of Guinea–Bissau, we thought it wise to come and deliver our condolences to the President because of the good relation we have with Malawi”.

He added, “The plane crash was, indeed, a tragedy to the country but we will continue to support Malawi and it is a plea that the unity you have must continue”.

Embalo therefore urged President Chakwera to remain strong, saying “the people of Guinea-Bissau are in solidarity with the people of Malawi”.

The Guinea-Bissau President was expected to meet Madam Mary Chilima to extend his condolences, before returning to his country later on the same day.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nancy Tembo said the meeting between the two leaders presented an opportunity for the visiting leader to on behalf of Guinea-Bissauans sympathise with President Chakwera and Malawi at large, over the unfortunate events of June 10th.

Since the plane crashed, several nations have been rendering condolences to Malawi through their emissaries right from the venue of the funeral ceremony and other diplomatic channels.

The two leaders have also used the meeting to discuss other pertinent mutual issues that cement ties between the two nations in realization of development aspirations of both populations.



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