Home Malawi Malawi Veep Chilima burial June 17, home village Nsipe

Malawi Veep Chilima burial June 17, home village Nsipe

Chilima and eight others die in plane crash

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-The nation of Malawi is bracing itself for a sorrowful goodbye as the body of Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima is set to be laid to rest on Monday next week, June 17, 2024 at his home village of Nsipe in Ntcheu District.

In preparation for the day he will be put in his final resting place, the government has announced a series of farewell ceremonies.

Government spokesperson Moses Kunkuyu said, on Friday, the body will be taken from the mortuary to St. Patrick’s Parish in Area 18, Lilongwe, for a vigil followed by public body viewing at Civo Stadium in Lilongwe on Sunday.

Chilima’s body will leave Lilongwe for good on the same Sunday, when it will be taken to Ntcheu for burial.

Burial is scheduled for Monday.

The government also announced that former First Lady Shanil Dzimbiri’s body will be laid to rest in Machinga District on Friday.

Kunkuyu said the body will leave Lilongwe on Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Speaking at the press briefing where he made the announcement Wednesday, Kunkuyu said family members have been consulted.

“The committee had a discussion with the family, and it has been agreed upon…,” Kunkuyu’s voice trailed off, as the weight of the moment was palpable.

In addition to the farewell ceremonies, an investigation by the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) will be conducted to determine the cause of the tragic plane crash.

An autopsy will also be performed by independent doctors on all the bodies, except for Abdul Lapken, who was laid to rest Wednesday.

He was Chilima’s deputy protocol officer; one who was working under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as deputy chief of protocol.

On Tuesday, the government instituted a ministerial committee for the funeral.

It is chaired by Justice Minister Titus Mvalo.

Wednesday marked the second day of mourning Chilima and eight others following their death in a plane crash in Chikangawa Forest, Mzimba District, on Monday.

At the official residence of the Vice President at Area 12, Lilongwe, where the vigil is taking place, the day started with a church service, where Holy Mass was offered.

During his life, Chilima used to start his day by attending mass at St. Patrick’s Parish in Area 18, Lilongwe, or any closer Catholic Church where mass was offered.

Area 12 residence is the government’s official residence for a vice president which the late Chilima did not use. He operated from his private residence at Area 43.

According to arrangements, St. Patrick’s Parish will conduct three daily masses at 9am, 12 noon and 6pm at the vigil place to pray for the souls of the nine people.

Vice chairperson for St. Patrick’s Parish, Matthews Mtumbuka, said three masses will be conducted at the vigil residence from Wednesday to Friday at 9am, noon and 6pm.

Homily for Chilima

In his homily during the noon mass, Fr. Francis Lekaleka of Lilongwe Archdiocese said Chilima’s death brought tears to Catholic priests and the entire church.

“We, as priests, are trained to be strong but when we got the news of the death of Saulos, priests who were at a meeting shed tears. We had to stop our meeting,” Fr. Lekaleka said.

Lekaleka described Chilima as a brave and fearless person who challenged everyone to be the same.

Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara arrived at the residence to condole with the family.

Remembering selfless police officers

Later, the Malawi Police Service organised prayers at National Police Headquarters—that is, Area 30 in Lilongwe—to pay tribute to its two officers who died in the crash.

The officers include Inspector Chisomo Chimaneni and Assistant Commissioner Lucas Kapheni, who were Chilima’s ADC and guard commander, respectively.

Lilongwe Archdiocese Auxiliary Bishop Vincent Mwakhwawa presided over the church service.

In her eulogy, Inspector General of Police Merlyne Yolamu described the two officers as hard working.

“But I want to leave you with words from the Bible that we shall all die but it [the Bible] does not say how,” Yolamu said.

Later in the evening, some people of the city returned to the vigil place, Area 12 residence, for the 6pm church service by the Catholic Church.

Widow to Chilima, Mary, was there, too, seeking comfort in God’s words.

Source: Daily Times



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