Home Malawi Politics Malawians Demand ACB Investigation into Recruitment at Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Amid...

Malawians Demand ACB Investigation into Recruitment at Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Amid Allegations of Political Favoritism

Andrew Mpesi
Andrew Mpesi MEC CEO

By Twink Jones Gadama

In a country where the integrity of its electoral process is paramount, Malawians are expressing their concerns over the recent recruitment process at the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).

The call for an investigation by the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) comes amidst allegations of political favoritism and a significant number of hires being linked to the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

The recruitment process at MEC has come under scrutiny, with many questioning the transparency and impartiality of the selection of key managers and junior staff.

Judge Annabel Mtalimanja new MEC chair
Judge Annabel Mtalimanja new MEC chair

It has been revealed that a staggering 98% of the individuals hired have ties to the MCP, raising serious doubts about the commission’s ability to conduct a free and fair general election next year.

At the helm of MEC is CEO Andrew Mpesi, a known MCP supporter who previously served as Chakwera’s personal assistant.

His close ties to the party have raised concerns about the neutrality of the commission under his leadership.

Additionally, key positions such as Director of Administration and Human Resources, Director of Electoral Services, Director of ICT, and Security Manager have all been filled by individuals with strong ties to the MCP.

The nepotism and political bias in the recruitment process have sparked alarm among Malawians, who fear that MEC is being manipulated to favor the ruling party.

The recent appointment of individuals with close ties to the MCP, such as Yacinto Chikapa, Hastings Bota, and Stanilus Mtingwi, further reinforces the perception that the commission is becoming increasingly politicized.

One of the most concerning appointments is that of John Kuyeli, the Head of Procurement, who has been accused of awarding a contract to a non-existent company owned by an MCP member.

This blatant abuse of power has fueled suspicions of corruption and unethical practices within MEC.

The implications of such a biased recruitment process are profound, as it calls into question the independence and credibility of MEC in ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process.

With key positions filled by MCP loyalists, there are legitimate concerns about the integrity of
upcoming elections and the potential for electoral malpractice.

The demand for ACB intervention in investigating the recruitment at MEC reflects the deep-seated concerns of Malawians who are adamant about upholding the principles of democracy and fairness.

The call for transparency and accountability in the selection of staff at MEC is a critical step towards restoring public confidence in the electoral process.

The recruitment saga at MEC underscores the need for vigilant oversight and scrutiny of institutions entrusted with safeguarding the democratic process.

The allegations of political favoritism and nepotism cannot be ignored, as they have serious implications for the integrity of future elections in Malawi.

Only through a thorough and impartial investigation by the ACB can the truth be revealed and justice served to ensure that MEC upholds its mandate to conduct free and fair elections for the people of Malawi.



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