Home Malawi Mzimba chiefs console Chakwera on Chilima death, eight others

Mzimba chiefs console Chakwera on Chilima death, eight others

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-In a solemn display of unity and compassion, the revered Mzimba Chiefs, led by the esteemed Inkosi ya Makosi Mbelwa V, graced the hallowed halls of Kamuzu Palace to console President Lazarus Chakwera.

This poignant gathering came in the wake of the devastating tragedy that claimed the lives of the late Saulos Klaus Chilima and eight others, who perished in a plane crash deep within the Chikangawa Forest in Mzimba on that fateful 10th of June, 2024.

Joining Inkosi ya Makosi Mbelwa V in this somber procession were the distinguished Inkosi Senior Chiefs Mzukuzuku, Maulabo, Kampingo Sibande, Mpherembe, Ntwaro, Khosolo, and Chindi – a powerful contingent bearing the weight of their community’s grief.

In a stirring address, Inkosi ya Makosi Mbelwa V lauded President Chakwera’s unwavering leadership, even in the face of adversity and negativity from certain quarters.

“We thank God for giving us a strong leader in you,” the Inkosi declared, his words carrying the weight of his people’s unwavering trust and support.

“That statement you made at the state funeral service was so unifying. We know that you and Chilima were close. We want to encourage you not to lose sight because of what people are saying out there. We know that it’s not easy, but let’s put our trust in God.”

Echoing these sentiments, Inkosi Senior Chief Ntwaro expressed the profound anguish felt by the people of Mzimba, stating, “We want to encourage you not to lose sight because of what people are saying out there. The Vice President’s death has affected all of us.

“With empathy and resilience, the Chief assured the President, “People of Mzimba are mourning with you. Don’t get discouraged, you are not alone in this.”

In a poignant response, Chakwera acknowledged the cordial working relationship he had shared with the late Chilima, despite attempts by others to sow discord between them.

Offering a glimmer of hope, the President reassured the Chiefs that the government has granted consent to German experts to conduct a thorough investigation, promising that “everything will be made public once the investigation is over.”

This solemn gathering, marked by the unwavering support of the Mzimba Chiefs and Chakwera, stands as a testament to the unbreakable bond between the people and their elected representatives, united in their grief and their unwavering determination to uncover the truth and find solace in the wake of this profound tragedy.



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