Home Opinion Of MCP’s reign of terror: Should the party be deregistered?

Of MCP’s reign of terror: Should the party be deregistered?

MCP NEC endorses Chakwera for 2025 Presidential Elections

By Twink Jones Gadama

Lazarus Chakwera’s leadership has transformed the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) into a vehicle of violence, corruption, and oppression.

Since taking power, Chakwera’s regime has perpetuated a culture of impunity, suppressing dissent and undermining democratic institutions.

The MCP’s evil acts under Chakwera’s leadership have brought Malawi to the brink of collapse, necessitating the party’s deregistration.

Political Violence

Chakwera’s supporters have unleashed a wave of violence against opposition members and civilians, creating a climate of fear and intimidation.

MCP thugs have attacked political rallies, injured opposition supporters, and destroyed property.

This violence has been perpetuated with impunity, as Chakwera’s regime has failed to hold perpetrators accountable.


The MCP has become a hub of corruption, with Chakwera and his allies embezzling public funds and engaging in nepotistic practices.

Billions of kwachas have been looted from state coffers, leaving Malawi’s economy in shambles.

Chakwera’s regime has protected corrupt officials, allowing them to continue plundering the country’s resources.

Undermining Democratic Institutions

Chakwera has systematically undermined Malawi’s democratic institutions to consolidate his power.

He has manipulated the judiciary, electoral commission, and other bodies to serve his interests.

This has led to a erosion of trust in these institutions and a collapse of the rule of law.

Suppression of Free Speech

The MCP has silenced dissenting voices through intimidation and violence.

Journalists, activists, and opposition members have been targeted for speaking out against Chakwera’s regime.
Parliamentarian for Rumphi east constituency Kamlepo kaluwa was arrested last week simply because he sought clarification on the former vice President’s plane crash,as government’s narrative on the same wasn’t convincing.
Activist Bon Kalindo has been incessantly arrested for expressing his views against massive corruption chakwera government is immersed in.

The media has been gagged, and freedom of speech has become a luxury in Malawi.

Human Rights Abuses

Chakwera’s leadership has perpetuated human rights abuses, including excessive force against protesters and mistreatment of detainees.

The police and military have become tools of oppression, used to silence opposition and maintain Chakwera’s grip on power.

Culture of Impunity

The MCP has fostered a culture of impunity, where party members commit crimes with no consequences or accountability.

This has created a culture of lawlessness, where might makes right and the powerful are above the law.

Economic Destruction

Chakwera’s policies have led to widespread poverty and unemployment, undermining Malawi’s economic development.

The country’s economy has been mismanaged, with corruption and nepotism stifling growth and innovation.

Divisive Rhetoric

The MCP has promoted divisive rhetoric and sectarian politics, exacerbating ethnic and religious tensions in Malawi.

Chakwera’s regime has used hate speech to mobilize support, creating a toxic political climate that threatens to tear the country apart.

In conclusion, the MCP’s reign of terror under Chakwera’s leadership has brought Malawi to the brink of collapse.

The party’s consistent disregard for human life, democratic principles, and the rule of law necessitates its deregistration.

Malawians deserve better than a party that perpetuates violence, corruption, and oppression.

It is time to put an end to the MCP’s evil acts and build a democratic Malawi that values human rights and the rule of law.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are those of the author not necessarily of the The Maravi Post or Editor



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