Home Lifestyle Poem: How do we mourn?

Poem: How do we mourn?

Saulos Chilima Casket
Saulos Chilima lies in state as other victims are buried

By Burnett Munthali

In the shadow of loss, how do we mourn,
For heroes like Lucius and Chilima, born
Of Malawi’s spirit, bold and true,
Their legacy etched in the sky’s deep blue?

Chilima dies in plane crash
Chilima dies in plane crash

We mourn with songs that echo their grace,
In melodies that time cannot erase.
Lucius Banda’s voice, a beacon bright,
Guiding us through the darkest night.

Chilima, VP of vision and hope,
In leadership’s mantle, steadfastly cope.
Together they stood, hearts intertwined,
In service to nation, soulfully aligned.

In the quiet hush of a grieving land,
Their spirits linger, hand in hand.
We mourn not just with tears that flow,
But with promises kept and seeds we sow.

For their legacy lives in deeds untold,
In stories of courage, in hearts that unfold.
In the pulse of Malawi, beating strong and clear,
Lucius and Chilima, forever near.

So we mourn with a nation’s unified breath,
In the dance of memories, life after death.
For heroes immortal, in our hearts they stay,
Guiding us onward, day by day.



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