Home Malawi “Release Chilima’s autopsy report now”-Malawians demand

“Release Chilima’s autopsy report now”-Malawians demand

Saulos Chilima dies in Plane Crash
Saulos Chilima dies in plane crash

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Following the release of the autopsy report by the assigned pathologist on what caused the death of Vice President, Saulos Klaus Chilima, Malawians from far and wide are calling upon his family to avail the document to the public.

Chilima’s death in a plane crash on June 10 this year heightened tensions as the public discourse was filled a barrage of conspiracy theories of what might have killed him.

There were those who chose to believe or make others believe that there had been foul play in how the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) Dornier aircraft claimed the lives of nine people.

To allay fears, and probably they themselves suspecting something fishy, the Chilima family chose a pathologist of their own choice, Steve Kamiza, to conduct the autopsy.

It is the outcome of the pathology investigation that has sent tongues wagging. Many Malawians, picked randomly across the country, have spoken in unison on the need for the report to be made public.

“It is refreshing to note that the pathologist has handed over the report to Saulos Chilima’s family. This is what every Malawian was looking forward to.

“It is now their responsibility to release the report to the same Malawians who are equally demanding answers on how and why their Vice President perished in Chikangawa Forest,” says Friday Botomani of Lizulu Market in Ntcheu.

Many others share similar sentiments saying hiding of the report will further complicate the situation.

“As a devout UTM supporter I remain heartbroken with how the plane crash was responded to by authorities. Failure to show me how my President died aggravates my confusion. The best the Chilima family could do is release what the pathologist has found. I want closure and peace of mind,” says Shira Kathumba of Kasungu.

Such calls have emerged after noticing reluctance by the Chilima family to release the pathology report.

Family representative Dr. Ben Chilima, told Daily Times on Friday that will not comment on the matter as they are still mourning their brother.

Information Minister Moses Kunkuyu said the families of all the nine deceased are at liberty to share the contents of the report to whosoever they see fit.



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