Home Business Agriculture Solidaridad drills farm workers with horticulture essential skills

Solidaridad drills farm workers with horticulture essential skills

By Brighton Tchongwe

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Solidaridad Organization in partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has successfully concluded the Social Employment Fund (SEF) Project.

The celebratory close-out ceremony took place at Braampark Office Park in Johannesburg Braamfontein, South Africa.

According to the Country Manager for South Africa at Solidaridad, Mohau Mailula highlighted the achievements and milestones of the initiative.

According to Mailula, SEF Project focused on the horticultural value chain, placing over 2,000 workers on farms across the Gauteng region for immersive learning experiences.

She disclosed that during the project, workers engaged in activities such as soil preparation, crop maintenance, and record-keeping, equipping them with essential skills and knowledge.

“This initiative has had a revolutionary impact on the horticultural sector, significantly improving the livelihoods of workers and the broader community.

It exemplifies Solidaridad’s dedication to sustainable development and empowerment through practical education,” disclosed Mailula.

The project has not only provided essential farming skills but has also helped in job creation and agricultural development.

Mailula attributed the success of the project to strategic partnerships, underlining the importance of collaboration for economic and social advancement.

Added Mailula, “The skills acquired by participants are have not only benefited for their individual careers but also for the overall growth of the agricultural sector in the region”.

She further mentioned that Solidaridad, is open to partnering with various organisations to further support and progress the project’s objectives.

Faith Mola’s testimonial sheds light on the inclusivity of the project, particularly in empowering individuals with disabilities.

Mola’s personal journey as a deaf farm worker who overcame challenges and acquired new skills exemplifies the transformative impact of the SEF Project.

“I am a deaf farm worker and this project helped me overcome many challenges. I learned how to plant and have since received a SEF certificate. In future, I want to start my own business and go into the entrepreneurial stream. I did not know that farming had so many elements attached to it, but am now ready to take on the farming industry,” signs Faith Mola.

Her aspirations to start a business and enter the entrepreneurial realm reflect the project’s role in inspiring ambition and fostering opportunities for personal growth and development.

Meanwhile, Andries Kganyago, another participant in the project, expressed his newfound appreciation for farming after receiving extensive training from Solidaridad experts and mentors.

Kganyago mentioned that prior to the training, he believed farming only involved planting and harvesting. However, he now understands the importance of activities like soil testing, soil preparation, crop maintenance, and land cultivation in achieving a successful harvest.

“Before the extensive training by Solidaridad experts and mentors, we thought farming was only about planting and harvesting.We now know that one has to do soil testing, prepare the soil, maintain the crop, and work the land to get a bountiful harvest,” said Kganyago.

“We are very grateful to SEF – and this is the feedback from the other SEF Graduates as well. Continue to give hope to other unemployed youth so that they can have the skills, know-how and confidence to stand on their own,” he added.

The SEF Graduates found that the project encouraged them to reevaluate traditional farming techniques and adopt more sustainable and productive methods.

Additionally, Mmabatho Mbola, for instance, reflected on how her perspective on farming evolved since participating in the SEF project.

“I grew up in a family where farming was a big part of our livelihood. Back then, we just planted and saw things grow. Since becoming involved with the SEF project, I now know that one needs to do due diligence on soil preparation, pest control and so much more,” explains Mbola.

“The harvest is so much greater than when we just farmed for the sake of farming. I am very grateful to SEF and what you did for me. I am also thankful to my colleagues and team for pressing on. You made farming exciting, even for us as young people,” he added.

The close-out ceremony serves as a platform not only to acknowledge the accomplishments of the SEF Project but also to lay the groundwork for forthcoming endeavors focused on advancing sustainable development within the agricultural sector.

Solidaridad, is an international NGO with a specialization in agriculture value chains and support for smallholder farmers, boasts a rich history of over 50 years.

The organization is at the forefront of initiatives centered on sustainable economic development.

Solidaridad excels in facilitating the establishment of socially responsible, environmentally friendly, and profitable supply chains.

With a vision to transform production methods to ensure fair and sustainable livelihoods, ethical working conditions, and environmental preservation, Solidaridad operates as an international civil society organization that is solution-oriented and active in over 40 countries through nine regional expertise centers.

Solidaridad Southern Africa functions as one of these Regional Expertise Centres, overseeing programs in Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

In the context of Sub-Saharan Africa, where over 218 million individuals endure extreme poverty, a significant portion of the population resides in rural regions and relies on agriculture for sustenance.



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