Home Entertainment Sound Addicts clears controversy surrounding Onesmus’s pull-out

Sound Addicts clears controversy surrounding Onesmus’s pull-out

By Edwin Mbewe

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-The organizers of Ku Mingoli Bash, Sound Addicts have clarified the controversy surrounding Onesmus’s pull out from the much-anticipated show saying that there was a minor disagreement between them and the Controller hit maker.

Armstrong Kaluwa, now known as Onesimus Muzik posted on Facebook denying that he will not be one of the performers at the Bash this year slated for August 3, 2024 at the Civo Stadium in Malawi’s Capital City, Lilongwe.

In his post, Onesimus stated that he tried to engage the Ku Mingoli Bash Management to remove him from the poster which they did not act upon.

However, the Managing Director of the Sound Addicts Shadreck Kalukusha has confidently confirmed that the event will still take place as planned on 3rd August 2024.

“We have seen what Onesimus posted and we have taken it positively despite not being happy with the way he handled the issue. There has been a misunderstanding between us and Onesimus, and as it stands, he is not performing. We have accepted his communication, though we feel it has not been handled accordingly”, says Kalukusha.

He added that the post by Onesimus will not compromise the preparations for the event as they will announce his replacement as soon as possible after the mourning period for the late State Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima and eight others is over possibly on 1st July 2024.



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